1 Phase Power Analyzer

Product description
LMG95. Precise. Direct. All Waveforms.
The LMG95 single-phase precision power meter is an outstanding product in the proven LMG series of ZES ZIMMER precision power measuring devices. Highly accurate continuously gapless signal measurement and processing, ergonomic operation and presentation of the results, interfaces with high data rates for effi cient system applications – these are the performance features which distinguish the LMG95.
All Waveforms
The high precision power measurements on components and devices that are required in development, quality assurance and manufacturing can be performed with ease, independent of whether the current and voltage are sinusoidal or distorted, whether the load is linear or not, or whether the circuit works in a chopped, pulsed or another modulation mode. The extended possibilities of synchronization on the periodicity of the measured signal always produce distinct and stable measurement displays and results.
Direct up to 600V and 20A
Isolated measurement inputs with direct measurement ranges up to 600V (1600Vpeak) and 20A (960Apeak for the measurement of inrush currents) and the input for current measurements using a shunt or other transducer measure the incoming measurement signals exactly and without any aberrations.
0.015% of Reading + 0.01% of Range
With a basic accuracy of 0.025% is this the most precise instrument in its class and therefore it is used as a reference device for energy meters, power meters, power measurement transformers and trms meters for current and voltage.
Harmonics and Flicker in Full Compliance with EN61000-3-2/-3/-11/-12
The harmonic analysis in full compliance with the EN61000-3-2/-12 standard is already available in the basic unit. The fl icker meter in compliance with EN61000-4-15 for the measurement of fl icker ( voltage variations) and with EN61000-3-3/-11 is available as an option. These two functions also considerably extend the possible applications of the LMG95 in R&D laboratories. If suitable stable voltage sources are available, tests for CE compliance can be performed in accordance with EN61000-3-2/-3/-11/-12.
Analyzers in CE Test Systems
The LMG95 is used as an analyzer in CE test systems to test electrical devices on harmonics and fl icker and their effect on mains. The ZES ZIMMER test system CE-Test61k is usually equipped with a precision power meter LMG500 for 3-phase application or with a LMG95 for singlephase applications. Components can also be ordered and used separately, easy integration of customer owned power sources.
All ZES ZIMMER power meters of the LMG series, the current sensors of PCT series and the voltage sensors of the HST series are carefully tested, adjusted and calibrated prior to shipment and are subject to strict quality controls.
ZES ZIMMER guarantees for a period of 24 months from first delivery that these products are free from defects in material or workmanship.
L95-O1 | Interfaces RS232 and IEEE488.2, printer interface |
L95-O3 |
Process signal interface 4 analogue inputs, 4 analogue outputs,4 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs, 1 frequency input |
L95-O4 | Flicker meter acc. to EN61000-4-15 |
L95-O5 |
Monitoring transients for transient and nonperiodical signals, incl. memory extension |
L95-O6-1 |
Extension of precision range to 500kHz (delay between U- and I-channel typical 40ns) |
L95-O6-2 |
Extension of precision range to 500kHz, increased accuracy by equalised delay between U- and I-channel to 4ns typically, necessary for measurement at small power factors. Adjustable are all current ranges with the voltage ranges 6V...60V or 130V...600V to 4ns, the other combinations typical 40ns |
L95-O7-2 |
Modification of standard-600V-measuring input range 3V channel, ranges 0,025 / 0,05 / 0,1 / 0,2 / 0,4 / 0,8 / 1,5 / 3V For this modificiation, no precision bandwith extension to 500kHz and no traceable to ISO9000 calibration possible, no KR-L95, KRE-L95 or JKR-L95! |
L95-O7-3 |
Modification of standard-600V-measuring range 12V channel, ranges 0,1 / 0,2 / 0,4 / 0,8 / 1,5 / 3 / 6 / 12V For this modificiation, no precision bandwith extension to 500kHz and no traceable to ISO9000 calibration possible, no KR-L95, KRE-L95 or JKR-L95! |
L95-O7-4 |
Modification of standard-600V-measuring input range 60V channel, ranges 0,4 / 0,8 / 1,5 / 3 / 6 / 12 / 25 / 60V For this modificiation, a precision bandwith extension to 500kHz but no traceable to ISO9000 calibration is possible, no KR-L95, KRE-L95 or JKR-L95! |
L95-O7-5 |
Modification of standard-600V-measuring input range 650V channel, ranges 12 /25 /60 /130 /250 /400 /600 /650V ; 3200 Vpk For this modificiation, a precision bandwith extension to 500kHz and also a traceable to ISO9000 calibration is possible! |
L95-O8-1 |
Modification of standard-20A-meas. input to 80mA; ranges: 0,6 / 1,2 / 2,5 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 40 / 80mA; 500mApk / 1 / 2 / 4Apk For this modificiation, a precision bandwith extension to 500kHz is possible! |
L95-O8-2 |
Modification of standard-20A-meas. input to 1,2A; ranges 0,01 / 0,02 / 0,04 / 0,08 / 0,15 / 0,3 / 0,6 / 1,2A; 7,5 / 15 / 30 / 60Apk For this modificiation, a precision bandwith extension to 500kHz and also a traceable to ISO9000 calibration is possible! |
L95-O8-3 |
Modification of standard-20A-meas. input to 5A; ranges 0,04 / 0,08 / 0,15 / 0,3 / 0,6 / 1,2 / 2,5 / 5A; 30 / 60 / 120 / 240Apk For this modificiation, a precision bandwith extension to 500kHz and also a traceable to ISO9000 calibration is possible! |
L95-O9 | Meas. input sockets at the rear |
L95-O10 |
Harmonics up to 99th (max. 10kHz) of U, I, P, Q and S, fundamental 0,1...1200Hz By selectable integer divider (1...128) a new reference fundamental can be created as to detect interharmonics |
L95-O11 | RAM extension for scope mode (4Mio. samples) |
LMG-Control-B |
Data transfer and visualization software Basic Version included Display, Plot, Table Function and HARM99 Harmonic analyzing (only for devices with activated option LMG95-O10, L45-O8, L50-O8 HARM99) The software is useful for LMG95/450/500 OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 The basic version is free and on Support CD-ROM, enclosed with LMG95 Support CD-ROM. |
Waveform Analysis Module for LMG Control Additional modul for LMG-CONTROL-BASIC. Recording and analysing of sample values of the LMG. Harmonic analysis up to 1MHz (depending LMG), analysing window and recording of transients OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 |
Software for measuring the standby power according IEC/EN62301 (EuP LOT6) and preparation of documentation conforming to standards. Requirements: - LMG95 with shunt LMG-SHxxx(-P) or - LMG500 with option L50-O9 (optional with shunt) Operating system Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 |
Application notes
For units purchased prior to 2004, a firmware update to a version >3.095 is only possible upon request! (Due to difference in CPU)
Firmware LMG95: Beginning with version 3.xxx there are some incompatibilities in interface programming related to earlier versions 2.xxx!
L95-Z00 | LMG95 manual, German or English |
L95-Z01 | 19"-rack mounting kit for LMG95 |
L95-Z02 | Carrying / tilting handle bar for LMG95 |
L95-Z03 | Safety claw grip type C, 1 set=4 pcs. 2 pcs. in red, 2 pcs. in black, 20A/1000 |
L95-Z04 | Carrying case for LMG95 and accessories |
L95-Z07 | Adapter LMG95 external shunt input for the use of hall sensors L45-Z28, -Z29 and compensated current clamp L45-Z406 |
L45-Z318 | RS232 - Ethernet - converter, 10/100Mbit ( LAN driver download) |
L5-IOBOX-S | Adapter (also for DIN rail mount) from 25pol. SUB-D connector to screw cage connection for conductor cross sections up to 1,5mm x mm |
L5-IOBOX-F | Adapter (also for DIN rail mount) from 25pol. SUB-D connector to spring cage connection for conductor cross sections up to 1,5mm x mm |
For detailed information on accessories for measuring range extension and sensors refer to Datasheet Sensors and Special accessories for LMG95, LMG450 and LMG500.